Lee Baekryeon, renowned as a genius prime minister and an undefeated general, met a tragic end. Forsaken by the emperor to whom he had devoted his entire life, he chose self-destruction. “I only wish never to cross paths with His Majesty again.” Desiring just that, he ended his life. But then, “I must have done something terribly wrong in a past life.” He wakes up to find himself reborn as a three-year-old child. Determined to live his second life differently, he aims for a peaceful and comfortable life, far from being a hero. But… “What do you want? Should I fill a lake with peach juice for you, or hang cookies on every tree for the birds to eat?” Why does this unfamiliar Duke emanate a familiar aura of His Majesty? Intent on living a life not swayed by others, he resolved. But… “Why, planning to hang yourself again? That won’t do. You have always been mine, what makes you think this second life will be any different?” It seems escaping from His Majesty might not be so easy after all.